Recipients of DPS2019 Nishizawa Award:
Vincent M. Donnelly
University of Houston

Kazuo Nojiri
Nanotech Research

Gottlieb S. Oehrlein
University of Maryland

The 41st International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS2019) will be held at JMS Aster Plaza, Hiroshima in Japan, from November 21 to 22, 2019. The Symposium covers all aspects of the rapidly evolving fields of dry processes, including but not limited to plasma etching and deposition processes, diagnostics and modeling of plasmas and surfaces, and surface modifications by plasmas, for the applications in, e.g., microelectronics, power devices, sensors, environmental protection, biological systems, and medicine. The DPS has provided valuable forums for in-depth discussion among professionals and students working in this exciting field for more than three decades.
Important dates
Abstract Submission Deadline: | |
Early Registration Deadline: | October 11, 2019 |
Late Registration Deadline (Online): | October 31, 2019 |
Recent Updates
- Nov. 21, 2019
- Submission deadline to JJAP extended to November
2127, 2019. - Nov. 01, 2019
- Poster Program opened.
- Oct. 31, 2019
- On-line registration is closed. On-site registration is available for those who would like to attend the DPS2019.
- Oct. 29, 2019
- Timetable updated.
- Oct. 25, 2019
- Presentation Guidelines is opened.
- Oct. 24, 2019
- Conference Bus Schedule on 22 Nov. is now available
- Oct. 21, 2019
- JJAP special issue On-Line Submission is opened.
- Oct. 04, 2019
- Timetable updated.
- Sep. 14, 2019
- Notification of abstract acceptance will be announced by the end of September, 2019.
- Jul. 12, 2019
- Submission deadline extended to July 26, 2019.
- Jun. 26, 2019
- On-Line registration opened.
- Jun. 12, 2019
- Updeted (News for the Special Issues of Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP)).
- Jun. 12, 2019
- DPS2018 Special Issue of JJAP is published.
- Jun. 07, 2019
- Timetable(Tentative) is available.
- May. 28, 2019
- On-Line Submission system is opened.
- Feb. 09, 2019
- DPS2019 website open.
News for the Special Issues of Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP).
IF for the special issue of DPS in JJAP
1.67 (2017)
Regular Papers
DPS paper award that is given to excellent papers in the recent special issues of “Dry Process”, and the article is set “Open Access” for ever.
DPS2018 DPS Paper Award: "Atomic layer etching of silicon nitride using infrared annealing for short desorption time of ammonium fluorosilicate",
Nobuya Miyoshi, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Kazunori Shinoda, Masaru Kurihara, Tomoyuki Watanabe, Yutaka Kouzuma, Kenetsu Yokogawa, Satoshi Sakai, Masaru Izawa
JJAP, 56(2017), 06HB01
DPS2017 DPS Paper Award: "Highly selective etching of LaAlSiOx to Si using C4F8/Ar/H2 plasma",
Sasaki, Toshiyuki; Matsuda, Kazuhisa; Omura, Mitsuhiro; Sakai, Itsuko; Hayashi, Hisataka
JJAP, 54(2015), 06GB03
DPS2016 DPS Paper Award: "Plasma process induced physical damages on multilayered magnetic films for magnetic domain wall motion",
Kinoshita, Keizo; Honjo, Hiroaki; Fukami, Shunsuke; et al.
JAPP, 53(2014), 03DF03
DPS2015 DPS Paper Award: "Effects of straggling of incident ions on plasma-induced damage creation in "fin"-type field-effect transistors",
Eriguchi, Koji; Matsuda, Asahiko; Takao, Yoshinori; et al.
JJAP, 53(2014), 03DE02
Progress Reviews
“Progress in nanoscale dry processes for fabrication of high-aspect-ratio features: How can we control critical dimension uniformity at the bottom?”,
Kenji Ishikawa, Kazuhiro Karahashi, Tatsuo Ishijima, Sung Il Cho, Simon Elliott, Dennis Hausmann, Dan Mocuta, Aaron Wilson and Keizo Kinoshita
- The publication charge is 40000JPY/article. - JJAP Special Issues is published in the web site;
DPS2018 (Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 58 June 2019.)(Free until June 2020)
DPS2017 (Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 57 June 2018.)(Free until June 2019)
DPS2016 (Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 56 June 2017.)
DPS2015(Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 55(6S2) June 2016)
DPS2014(Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54(6S2) June 2015)
DPS2013(Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 53 (3S2) March 2014)
News for Japanese members
応用物理学会プラズマエレクトロニクス分科会の協賛により、「第30回プラズマエレクトロニクス講習会」を 2019 年11 月12 日(火)に東京・田町 グランパークカンファレンス 401ホールにて開催致します。
本講習会では、産業応用で必要とされるプロセスプラズマの生成、診断・ 制御の基礎と、その先端応用技術を各分野にて第一線でご活躍の先生方よりご講義いただきます。詳しくは詳しくはこちらをご参照ください。