DPS2025 46th International Symposium on Dry Process


Copyright & Permission

Notice of Change in Copyright Holder

The copyright of the past DPS Proceedings has been transferred to the Dry Process International Symposium Organizing Committee [hereafter denoted as the “DPS Organizing Committee,” a newly established organization of the International Symposium of Dry Process (DPS)] from the past Organizing Committees since April 2024. The new Committee will respect the moral rights of the authors in managing the copyrights of the proceedings and make every effort to improve the convenience for authors in using the works they created.

Copyright of DPS Proceedings Articles

The copyright of the DPS Proceedings articles submitted to the DPS vests in the DPS Organizing Committee.
The Committee shall have the right to publish the articles in whole or in part in any medium or means. However, the authors reserve the following rights:

  1. All rights other than the copyright, such as patent rights.
  2. To reproduce and/or reuse all or part(s) of the authors’ articles in their other works.
  3. To reproduce and/or reuse all or part(s) of the authors’ articles for their own use or for non-commercial use by the companies the authors belong to at the time of submission.

Permission for Reproduction of Published Materials

A part/parts of a DPS Proceeding article, including figures therein, can be quoted without permission from the DPS Organizing Committee as long as it complies with Article 32.1. *(Ref. 1) of the Japanese Copyright Law. More specifically, no permission is required if the following five requirements are fulfilled;
  1. The original text of the quoting work and the quoted copyrighted work must be clearly separated with such means as quotation marks.
  2. The quoted copyrighted work must be subordinate (in quality and quantity) to the original text of the quoting work.
  3. There must be a necessity to quote the copyrighted work.
  4. The content of the quoted copyrighted work must not be altered.
  5. The source of the quoted copyrighted work must be clearly indicated.
    (To quote a figure, please state "Copyright (year of publication) International Symposium on Dry Process" at the end of the figure caption.)
If the above requirements are not met, please contact the DPS Secretariat at dps-office@officepolaris.co.jp and apply for permission to reproduce or use any part of the copyrighted work, attaching a copy of the quoting work. Permission may or may not be granted.

*(Ref. 1) Article 32 (1) It is permissible to quote and thereby exploit a work that has been made public. In such a case, the work must be quoted consistent with fair practices and within a scope that is justified for the purpose of news reporting, critique, study, or other place in which the work is quoted.

Copyright and Reprint Permission for Papers Submitted to JJAP Special Issues

Unlike DPS Proceedings articles, the copyright of articles submitted to Special Issues of the Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP) vests in the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP). For details, please refer to the website https://www.jsap.or.jp/english/copyright or contact the JSAP.





  1. 著者は、特許権など、著作権以外のすべての権利を保持します。
  2. 著者は、自身のプロシーディングのすべてまたは一部を、他の著作物で再利用する権利を有します。
  3. 著者は、自身の利用または投稿時の所属会社での利用のために、上記プロシーディングを複製・再利用できますが、それらの複製物を販売することはできません。


DPSの予稿の一部、またはその中の図表を引用される際、以下の五つの要件を満たしている場合 (日本の著作権法32.1条 *(参照1)に準拠)には、転載のためのDPS組織委員会への許諾申請は不要とさせていただきます。

  1. 本文と引用部分が明瞭に区分されていること
  2. (質的にも量的にも)本文がメインであり、引用部分がサブ(主従)の関係にあること
  3. 引用する必然性があること
  4. 内容を改変しないこと
  5. 出所を適切に明示すること
    (図の場合、キャプション末尾に “Copyright (発行年)ドライプロセス国際シンポジウム” と記載)
DPS事務局: dps-office@officepolaris.co.jp


参考1) 著作権法第32条1項(引用)

